Project description

Basic information, goals and tasks of the EMC-LabNet project

Polska Sieć Laboratoriów EMC (EMC-LabNet) – The Polish Network of EMC Laboratories (EMC-LabNet) is a project implemented by a scientific and technological consortium established by five Polish scientific and research units with a leading position in the country in the field of scientific research, providing research services, conducting development work, consulting and training in various aspects electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

The project includes the modernization and expansion of the research infrastructure of the EMC laboratories of each consortium member, taking into account their specific specialization in the field of electromagnetic compatibility testing of advanced devices and systems, including: military, aviation, maritime, telecommunications, ICT, power, general use and lightning protection devices and systems.

The main goal of the Consortium and the EMC-LabNet project is to complement and expand the research infrastructure of the consortium members and to create a consolidated, strategic and unique network of specialized EMC laboratories in the country and the European Union, constituting a complementary and key base for advanced scientific research, development work and certification tests, conducted to improve the functioning and competitiveness of the Polish economy, increase state security, protect the natural environment, people and technical equipment against electromagnetic radiation.
New and/or improved laboratory facilities of the EMC-LabNet network, including modern and innovative research set-ups, will enable independent or joint conduct of advanced experimental research, development work and the provision of comprehensive research and development services for external scientific and business entities in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and generation of high-energy surges (e.g. lightning currents, HPM, etc.).
Scientists and engineers from many different industries (e.g. communication and information technology, military, aviation, maritime, automotive, space technology, etc.) gained access to modern equipment, research stations and techniques, modern and comprehensive EMC tests for their innovative devices as well as possibility of testing the resistance of the applied protections (e.g. to lightning strokes or other electromagnetic disturbances).
devices and systems.
The EMC-LabNet project includes 23 investment tasks, including 21 tasks involving the construction of new research set-ups or the modernization and expansion of existing research set-ups, and 2 construction tasks including the expansion of the laboratory facilities of the Rzeszów University of Technology (expansion of the AL building) and the construction of a laboratory hall at the Research and Development Center Maritime Technology Center S.A.
The facilities and research stations built and/or modernized/expanded in the “Polish Network of EMC Laboratories (EMC-LabNet)” project are described in the RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE tab.

The EMC-LabNet project received funding in the amount of PLN 42,648,935.16 under Priority Axis  4.2 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The applicable co-financing agreement for the EMC-LabNet project (project no. POIR.04.02.00-02-A007/16-00, total project cost: PLN 68,641,812.27) was signed on July 31, 2018 between the Science and Technology Consortium “Polish Network of EMC Laboratories (EMC-LabNet)” represented by Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and the National Information Processing Institute – National Research Institute.
The project implementation covers the period from April 1, 2016 (actual August 1, 2018) to December 31, 2023.


A unique consolidated technical and scientific facilities in the form of a network of electromagnetic compatibility laboratories with unique research equipment in the country

Comprehensive EMC testing

Comprehensive and advanced experimental research, development and research services, consulting and training in the field of electromagnetic compatibility

Modern Infrastructure

Modern laboratories with innovative research set-ups for the generation and measurement of electromagnetic disturbances, testing compliance with technical requirements and assessing the effectiveness of applied protections

Detailed project goals:

Consortium members:

Specializations of consortium members::

In terms of research, modeling and analysis of phenomena and properties of devices, systems, electrical and electronic installations and methods of their design and EMC protection, the division of specializations is as follows:

Source and financing of the project::

Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020
Intermediate Body: Information Processing Center – National Research Institute
Project no.: POIR.04.02.00-02-A007/16
Agreement No.: POIR.04.02.00-02-A007/16-00
Total cost of the project: PLN 68,641,812.27
Eligible costs: PLN 56,120,920.91
Funding: PLN 42,648,935.16
Ineligible costs: PLN 12,520,891.36
Project implementation period: 2016/04/01 – 2023/12/31

Financing by consortium member (amounts in PLN):

Unit/voivodeship Amount of eligible expenses and Amount of co-financing Total amount of expenses (sum of eligible and non-eligible expenses)
Wrocław University of Science and Technology / province Lower Silesia 17 615 113,69 21 408 320,62
Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. / Pomeranian Voivodeship (including PLN 10 million net own contribution) 23 471 985,75
(including funding of 10 000 000,00)
28 993 542,47
Białystok University of Technology / province Podlaskie 1 251 607,00 1 518 152,94
Rzeszów University of Technology / province Podkarpackie 6 489 934,46 7 876 530,67
Military University of Technology / Masovian Voivodeship 7 292 280,01 8 845 265,57
TOTAL: 56 120 920,91 (including funding of 42 648 935,16) 68 641 812,27
Zakres rzeczowy projektu:
Zakres rzeczowy: 23 zadania inwestycyjne:
W tym:



Projekt EMC-LabNet obejmuje 23 zadania inwestycyjne, w tym 21 zadań polegających na budowie nowych stanowisk badawczych lub modernizacji i rozbudowie posiadanych stanowisk badawczych oraz 2 zadania budowlane obejmujące rozbudowę zaplecza laboratoryjnego Politechniki Rzeszowskiej (rozbudowa budynku AL) oraz budowę hali laboratoryjnej w Ośrodku Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. Zaplecze i stanowiska badawcze zbudowane i/lub zmodernizowane/rozbudowane w projekcie „Polska Sieć Laboratoriów EMC (EMC-LabNet)” opisano w zakładce INFRASTRUKTURA BADAWCZA.
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