A unique consolidated technical and scientific base in the form of a network of electromagnetic compatibility laboratories with unique research equipment in the country
Comprehensive EMC testing
Comprehensive and advanced experimental research, development and research services, consulting and training in the field of electromagnetic compatibility
Modern Infrastructure
Modern laboratories with innovative research set-ups for the generation and measurement of electromagnetic disturbances, testing compliance with technical requirements and assessing the effectiveness of applied protections
O nas
Briefly about the project
The Polish Network of EMC Laboratories, called “EMC-LabNet”, is a project to modernize and expand the research infrastructure of EMC laboratories in five Polish scientific and research units, forming a scientific and technological consortium of the same name. The consortium was established by: Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Leader), Rzeszów University of Technology, Białystok University of Technology and Military University of Technology and OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., which have an established and leading position in Poland in the field of scientific research and development work, providing research services, consulting and training in various aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
The main goal of EMC-LabNet was to create a consolidated technical base in the form of a network of EMC laboratories, available to scientists and engineers from many different industries (e.g. communication and information technology, military, aviation, maritime, automotive, space technology, etc.) as well as modernization and expansion the existing research infrastructure of each laboratory (taking into account the specialization of each consortium member), in order to increase the research potential for conducting advanced experimental research,
development work and providing comprehensive research and development services in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and the generation of high-energy surges (e.g. lightning currents, HPM etc.).
The EMC-LabNet project received funding in the amount of PLN 42,648,935.16 under Measure 4.2 of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project co-financing agreement no. POIR.04.02.00-02-A007/16-00 was signed on July 31, 2018 with the Information Processing Center – National Research Institute..
The project has been completed on December 31, 2023.
The EMC-LabNet project covers 23 investment tasks, including 21 tasks involving the construction of new research set-ups or the modernization and expansion of existing research set-ups, and 2 construction tasks including the expansion of the laboratory facilities of the Rzeszów University of Technology (extension of the AL building) and the construction of a laboratory hall at the Research and Development Center Maritime Technology Center S.A.
The facilities and research set-ups built and/or modernized/expanded in the “Polish Network of EMC Laboratories (EMC-LabNet)” project are described in the RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE tab.
Najnowsze wpisy
EMC-LabNet na XIV Krajowych Warsztatach Kompatybilności Elektromagnetycznej we Wrocławiu
Polska Sieć Laboratoriów EMC (EMC-LabNet) jest współorganizatorem XIV Krajowych Warsztatach Kompatybilności Elektromagnetyczne zorganizowanych we Wrocławiu w Politechnice Wrocławskiej w dniach 26-28.06.2024 r.
Podczas warsztatów zostanie zaprezentowany efekt realizacji projektu jak i możliwe będzie spotkanie się z jego realizatorami.
Szczegóły na stronie Warsztatów EMC: (https://www.warsztaty-emc.pwr.edu.pl)
Zakończenie realizacji projektu EMC-LabNet
Zakończenie dostaw i instalacji aparatury w projekcie EMC-LabNet
Podpisanie aneksu nr 6 do umowy – zwiększenie wartości projektu
Uroczyste otwarcie nowoczesnej hali laboratoryjnej w OBR CTM S.A
Podpisanie aneksu nr 5 do umowy wydłużający okres realizacji projektu EMC-LabNet
EMC-LabNet na XIII Krajowych Warsztatach Kompatybilności Elektromagnetycznej we Wrocławiu
Ukończono rozbudowę budynku AL Politechniki Rzeszowskiej